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{"id":503,"date":"2015-12-29T18:35:21","date_gmt":"2015-12-29T17:35:21","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.sabinazalewska.pl\/?p=503"},"modified":"2015-12-29T20:15:34","modified_gmt":"2015-12-29T19:15:34","slug":"loneliness-and-solitude-in-marital-experience-and-narratives-publishing-house-of-cardinal-stefan-wyszynski-university-warsaw-2015-pp-323","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.sabinazalewska.pl\/loneliness-and-solitude-in-marital-experience-and-narratives-publishing-house-of-cardinal-stefan-wyszynski-university-warsaw-2015-pp-323\/","title":{"rendered":"Loneliness and solitude in marital experience and narratives, Publishing House of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw 2015, pp. 323"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"sio\"<\/a>Loneliness and solitude in marital experience and narratives<\/strong><\/p>\n

The subject of this study concerns marital relationships and focuses on the issue of isolation (solitude) and loneliness of the spouses.<\/p>\n

This issue is extremely timely given the ongoing socio-cultural transformations and expansion of the culture of individualism affecting the nature of interpersonal relations and due to the manner of performing various social roles, including in particular the important marriage and parenting roles. This raises particular challenges for the theory of pedagogical practice and psychology. These studies also are part of a series of research studies on marriage and family led by: A. Kwak, M. Nowak-Dziemianowicz, M. Plopa, A. Giza-Poleszczuk B. Harwas-Napiera\u0142a, D.H. Olson, R. Markoff, R. Buttiglione, A. Faber and E. Mazlich.<\/p>\n

My analysis contained in the monograph subject to assessment: Loneliness and isolation in marital experience and narratives<\/i> can become a tool for further exploration in the field of research on the functioning of marriage and family. In my experience as a researcher, I explore the research methodology combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. I analyse the aspects of marital and family life from the perspective of the theory of symbolic interactionism, which is one of the few (though rarely commonly used[1]<\/a>) trends in family and family life analyses. It derives from the so-called Chicago School, whose representatives are: G.H. Mead, H. Becker and today it is related to the neointeractionism of B. Glaser and A.L. Strauss. School of symbolic interactionism can be placed within the interpretative paradigm. In symbolic and interactive trend, the basic concepts are: relationships, status and a role. I present here the family as unity \u2013 the unity composed of persons exercising influence on each other. This mutual interaction is carried out by performing the roles. It is described by such concepts as: sense of community, cohesion, stability, solidarity, order and relative permanency.<\/p>\n

The community nature of marriage, however, does not deny an individual way of \u00a0spouses in the development process (theory of the „Life Race” Ch. B\u00fchler). The shared space embraces the individual living spaces of the spouses: a common space for them, their meeting space and the space completely autonomous. In fact, their existence constitutes the existence of community relationship. Non-existence of these spaces can lead to the feelings of loneliness and isolation. This concept is visualised on the figure presented below.<\/p>\n



Fig. Marriage as a process versus loneliness and solitude<\/p>\n


At the point of contact of these spaces, but rather within their boundaries, there appears a problem of loneliness and isolation in marriage. This problem seems to be very interesting and topical. Not so often picked up by the authors in their deliberations on various aspects of conjugal and family life.<\/p>\n

The theoretical and descriptive part of work consists of two chapters. I explain and distinguish in them the concept of „loneliness” and „isolation”. I analyse in them the concept of loneliness in three dimensions: theological, psychological, and philosophical.<\/p>\n

It was very crucial to distinguish between these phenomena and accurately define them. Loneliness is understood in my work as a good phenomenon for a man, contributing to their growth and development, but at the time experiencing it, it is often tinged with feelings of pain and suffering. As a result, contributing to their internal integration and identity building. Loneliness is also understood (especially in relation to married life) as an essential right to have their own separate living space, to which no one has access. This is important for the individual, especially because of their mental hygiene. On the other hand, the isolation is understood as a negative phenomenon, destructive to human, involving severe feelings, difficult and even impossible to overcome. In contrast to loneliness it does not bring benefits for a man, nor for the development. It contributes to the disintegration of their personality. Getting out of it requires long and arduous work. It always leaves a man suffering with a number of traumas. Often requires therapeutic work or ends in suicide. The works of authors who have made a profound reflection on loneliness and solitude helped greatly to reach this distinction: T.W. Adorno, J.G. McGraw, P. Tillich, Z. Do\u0142\u0119ga, E. Dubas. Dissimilarity in this work is the precise distinction between these concepts, their definition and description.<\/p>\n

A theoretical framework of work relates to the family seen as a biographical and communicative process. This process is the result of experience and the history of marriage and family life. Marriage and family are subject to change. They have never been, are not and will not be static organizations[2]<\/a>.It is a process based on communication, biographiness and interaction. Marriage, as relationship of special nature, creates a broad base for marital interactions: spiritual, mental, sexual and economic. All members of the family create a complicated system of interactive relations based on bonds of two kinds: marital and parental.<\/p>\n

I am a close follower in my thinking of what Ch. B\u00fchler and A.W. Janke are saying that the developmental changes of the spouses result from their mutual interaction and are affecting reversely the functioning of the network of relationships and communication in marriage, therefore one can say that the essence of developmental changes of marriage is based on the circular dependencies. The theory of the development of marriage and family is associated with the development throughout the entire life. The development of marriage and family can be described as a series of stages that include a full range of events and challenges emerging in the lifetime for all its members. These stages are determined usually by changing the number of members (as a result of births, deaths or leaving the family home), the stages of development of children or by linking the family with other social systems, for example a family member\u2019s transition into retirement. This allows us to draw a predictable chronology of stages of family life.<\/p>\n

In the second part of this work I characterize the methodological framework of the study. The subject and method of study is here the biography of marriage. The biography includes spouses\u2019 experience that reveal and explain themselves in their narratives. The advantage of the biographical method is that personal documents provide insight into the motivation, aspirations, attitudes and assessments that people form. This material captures the psychological side of the functioning of social institutions, the formation of public opinion. It provides the ability to describe the mutual relationships between: the environment and the individual, the individual and the individual, the culture and the individual. This material allows to capture some sequences of the events (the causal relationships in the long term). This material also provides information about how people cope in situations of social change. The biographical perspective is therefore extremely useful for the analysis of loneliness and solitude in marriage, especially in the context of marital experience.<\/p>\n

The purpose and subject of the research discussed in this paper is loneliness and solitude in marriage, as one of the marital experiences. These states are experienced by both spouses at different stages of their lives and the duration of their relationship. Therefore, the following questions of a problematic nature have arisen:<\/p>\n